Importing Embroidery Files to Your Brother Machine

by Meredith Kress June 26, 2018

Importing Embroidery Files to Your Brother Machine

Getting to Know the Embroidery Machine

Review the Brother manual for help with making a bobbin and threading your machine. Refer to the instructions on how to switch out the embroidery presser foot and how to properly attach/detach the embroidery arm.


Downloadable Embroidery File - How To

For this tutorial, I embroidered a towel and used an embroidery stabilizer. I recommend a tear-away stabilizer so you don’t have to cut around your design. With your material prepared in the appropriate size hoop, load the hoop from back to front into your machine, moving the presser foot up for more room. When removing the hoop, keep that same motion in mind - press the release tab and move the hoop out from the back first, otherwise, it will not come out.

When using the Brother SE1900 or the Brother SE600, it is easy to transfer files from your computer to your machine. I downloaded the "Aloha Summer" file from and unzipped it. With a USB stick inserted into my computer, I selected the size of the design that I wanted in the .pes file format and dragged it into the USB folder.

Pointer: Make sure the design file size you choose to make fits on your machine. This download has multiple sizes because you can not scale the design once imported onto your Brother machine.

Eject the USB properly and then insert the stick into the machine. Press the   symbol. You should now see your design on the Brother screen. Click "Set" followed by "Edit End" when you have set your design how you want. You will not be able to change the size of the design, hence why your file download has multiple file sizes available. Next, press "Embroidery" and lower your presser foot.

It is a very smart machine! The file is programmed to know what to sew. You can use whatever color thread you prefer and the file will show a list of the threads change sequence, instructing you when to switch out the thread. If you are unsure which part of the design is going to sew first, refer to the top right corner of your screen.

Pointer: Have your different thread ready to switch out.


Thread the correct color and make sure you have plenty of bobbin thread. Then, lower the presser foot and press the arrow when illuminated green. It will be red if you have not lowered the presser foot yet.

Pointer: Although you can push start and walk away, it is important to keep an eye on your design as bobbins run out quickly and may need to be replaced. The thread can also bunch up if working with a thick material, such as terry cloth.

The machine will stop when that portion of the design is complete. Trim the thread and rethread the machine with the next color and repeat! Your machine will automatically stop after each segment of the embroidery file. Once you finish your design, remove from the back to the front.

Trim the excess threads and tear away the excess fabric stabilizer. Your towel is now embroidered and ready to use!


For more embroidery and applique files, head to